In November 2022, a meeting of the Tree Friends Academy took place at the Polish castle Kliczków and its surroundings. The topic was old and memorable trees. The participants discussed the ecological value of trees, as well as the possibilities of financial evaluation of their services. Working in the field and using a meter and altimeter, the participants learned the technique of measuring tree girth, crown diameter and height, which are the basic parameters necessary in tree assessment. The importance of trees as biotopes for hundreds of living organisms was vividly demonstrated when they visited several beautiful specimens of old elms, oaks and lindens growing in Stará Olešná.

202211 akademie pratel stromu MAS001

The initiator of the meeting was Fundacja Ekorozwoju, our project partner. Its members also participated in the creation of the information brochure "Dead wood in arborist practice", which was created as part of the project focused on the development of European tree care standards. In the publication, which will especially interest the professionally oriented public, you will also find a section dedicated to animals inhabiting cavities and decaying wood. Of course, the hermit beetle cannot be missed. https://instytut-drzewa.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Deadwood_FactSheet.pdf

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