We continue to network and share experiences even after the LIFE Osmoderma project has ended. Therefore, on 28 and 29 May we met with the South LIFE team and other experts to discuss the results...
In November 2022, a meeting of the Tree Friends Academy took place at the Polish castle Kliczków and its surroundings. The topic was old and memorable trees. The participants discussed the ecological...
Sports and nature lovers were attracted on Saturday, in 3th September to Libhošť for the fourth year Tour de Avenue. More than a hundred cyclists supported the planting of trees, the protection of...
The first Saturday in September belonged to a family bike ride the Tour de Avenues. This year we met in Libhošt and it was worth it! More than a hundred little and grown participants lined up for the...
Have you met a large group of people wandering in Poodří landscape on 29th May? Then you have met another quest to pollarded willows and a hermit beetle. This time we invited stakeholders from...
Experts from NEEMO and CINEA were welcomed to a monitoring mission in Poodří last week. This type of observation we undertake every year, up to now it was for the fourth time. In two days we...
On 12th February 2022, we organised third demonstration of pollarding. We invited volunteers for Saturday morning to Kačák pond to show who lives in willows and why it is so important to take care of...
Planting season is over for now. Special thanks goes to volunteers (scouts, huntsmen, gardeners, families with children), we planted almost 300 new trees in Petřvald, Petřvaldík and Polanka nad...
Do you want to set out to a fascinating world of trees and its stories with us? Very old stories have much to talk about – about landscape, river and how we affect each other, people and trees. The...
The Life Nature Project “Ecological network for Osmoderma eremita and other species dependent on veteran trees“ organized the final conference on the 6th and 7th of October 2021.The Life Osmoderma...
Last Saturday of September was a perfect early autumn weekend and granted an ideal weather for the annual folksy fest called Experience Poruba differently. Poruba Castle and park were crowded with...
Hermit beetle is a rare and quite lazy beetle, which also does not fly a lot. This time it overcame itself. Thanks to Eva Glosová Hekelová and Czech Union for Nature Conservation Studénka it ran...

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