We continue to network and share experiences even after the LIFE Osmoderma project has ended. Therefore, on 28 and 29 May we met with the South LIFE team and other experts to discuss the results of the LIFE project.

The main objective of the South LIFE project, which ends this year, is to improve the unfavourable conservation status of 11 priority habitats and 3 priority species (with a special focus on endemic species) in 25 European Important Locations (SAC) in the South Bohemia Region and 30 SAC´s  in southern Slovakia. The objects of protection here are in an unfavourable condition due to long-term absence of management of the sites, inappropriate management, expansion of invasive plant species, etc. One of the project species was the hermit beetle (Osmoderma eremita). In one of the photographs you will definitely recognize its resident signs.


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